Cover edge wood iphone case

» Cover edge wood iphone case

Cover edge wood iphone case

cove edge wood iphone case images, cove edge wood iphone case video.cove edge wood iphone case prices. here what’s the cover edge wood iphone case?you can see the wood iphone case edge is full wood.can not see any plastic in the edge. in fact the iphone case is fill in plastic case. It only uses the elasticity of the plastic case, and it can clamp the stability of the main phone. all the wood iphone case design based on it and changed . so we can’t say the wood iphone case was made full wood. You must know that wood has no elastic function. so the main part of the cell phone case is divided by the type of plastic. here we take the PC and TPU, all the cover edge wood iphone case is suitable for iphone any model with the iphone 6,iphone 6s,iphone 7,iphone 8 ,Iphone 9, iphone X,iphoneXs.

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